OO or 4mm= 1 foot scale
"Reed St" by Steve
This is the classic GWR branch line terminus to fiddle yard concept.
It all packs away in a special box for transport
Baseboards are custom-built lightweight
The Trackwork is Peco Code 75 hand ballasted
Buildings are cardboard kits with some kitbashing and scratch building of platforms and structures
Rolling Stock is a mixture of Proprietary read to run and kits
The Signals are operational and are from Ratio kits
The Gallery shows the layout from unpacking to display status
"Southdowen" By David
This layout is a through station with a maritime branch line it started life as a rapid build NSWGR layout (see HO section) and was rebuilt in stages to become a Southern Railway English layout. The Maritime branch line was a later addition Thomas and Friends used to make guest appearances at Exhibitions
Baseboards are the ply panel doors of the previous layout except for the branch line which is plywood on a light pine frame
Track work Peco code 100 but with electrofrog points
Buildings are Superquick and Metcalf with some scratch built items
Rolling Stock Hornby and Bachman locomotives and rolling stock with one kit-built Southern Q class
Signals are Ratio and nonoperational
"Barnstaple Town" David & Steve
This Layout is loosely based on the Terminus of the Lynton and Barnstaple with the Southern Railway at Barnstaple. It is a completely new build and the first trial of mixed OO & 009n narrow gauge.
The OO9 venture was not without its pitfalls the new Heljan loco models Looked magnificent but running was difficult due to the fine-scale nature of the running gear. The layout is going to be extensively rebuilt
Track work Peco mainline N/Gauge points and track
Mainline Code 100 and electro fro points but two set track curved points which cause no end of trouble and are going to be eliminated in the rebuild.
Building Superquick Metcalf and Scratch built
Rolling stock Peco N/Gauge and Heljan N/G Locos Bassed on
The L & B Locos and Rolling Stock
Std Gauge by Hornby & Bachmann of Southern Locomotives of the Brighton and The South Western section of the Southern Railway